What's New:

Late breaking news, March 7, 2019: Zero-day vulnerability found in Chrome. You will need to update your Chrome immediately.  More information here. Click here to download the latest version.

The Breeze hits another first with version 6.5!  New in 6.5 is the ability of pages to detect whether or not a touchscreen is attached to your device, whether or not it is mobile, and to switch in "touchscreen" style sheets and menus if available. Of course (probably) all mobile devices capable of web browsing have touch screens.  The Breeze has had the ability to detect mobile devices for some time now and automatically switches in "mobile" menus and style sheets if available.  But some devices have touchscreens even though they are not mobile, such as kiosks and some all-in-one desktops.  Also, probably due to being out-of-date, the Breeze mobile detections seems to think that tablets are not mobile.  As it turns out, using the desktop site seems to work out better on a tablet in most circumstances, so we are not planning on "fixing" this at this point. If you have a mobile device that our pages are not detecting properly, please contact us so we can resolve the issue.

Why detecting touchscreen independent of mobile is good?

This feature was added in response to an issue where I needed to access submenu items on a tablet but could not because clicking on (tapping) the parent item caused the browser window to go to the link on that top menu item.  Of course it would do this using a mouse, but what you can do with a mouse is hover over that top menu item to show the submenu items.  One solution would be to change the desktop menus to be more like mobile menus where the top menu item would be a dead link and would be only for showing the submenu items.  But this would mean that I would have to change all of my desktop sites that used sub menus. Not liking that this new conditions of less driven by less-capable devices would be driving web design, I decided that the Breeze needed to be smarter about what type of device is being used.  Thus the touchscreen mode was added as a third viewing mode for Breeze pages.  The first site to utilize this new feature is http://silverdolphinsolutions.com.  On a desktop with a large screen, the main menu lays out across the top of the screen.  Hovering over most of the top level items reveals sub menus. Also, clicking on any of the top-level items including the items with sub levels loads a page with something about the top-level item.  On a mobile device, the pages are oriented vertically with vertical menus and a "hamburger" icon to show the menu.  But on a tablet or other non-mobile touchscreen device, the pages look more like the desktop site with a few minor differences that are absolutely necessary for site navigation.  First, the menu swings down a bit and over to the left so it fits on the screen.  Second, each of the top-level menu items with sub menus no longer links to a summary page allowing the sub menus to be shown by tapping on the top level item.

Also included with this feature is better handling of proper degrading to the default (often referred to "desktop" in the Breeze) styles sheets and menus. Previous, the mere existence of a definition of a mobile style sheet allowed the page to try to load mobile style sheets and menus on a mobile device. With this new feature, safeguarding was added to first check the CSS table and make sure that there are actually existing styles before switching.  This prevents the no-styles whatsoever look that would accidentally occur with previous versions if somebody forgot to copy the desktop style sheets to the mobile ones.  Becaus of this, if you want to build a fully responsive website on only one set of style sheets using the @media directive, you still can. Just create "desktop-only" style sheets and use Manage Style Sheet Attributes to build style sheets for particular formats.  Also available are all of the flex attributes in the CSS editor.  The Breeze pages will see that there are no touchsceen or mobile styles available and use the default style sheets for all devices.

The Breeze Website Builder is the first system in the world to have this tri-mode capability built into the system as a natural way of doing web design. Enjoy!

The Breeze continues it's excellence in providing the world's most powerful menu styling system! With version 6.4, the Breeze's menu styling system received a huge overhaul.  The CSS menu system is now feature packed allowing individual level control of color of text, background and border in normal, hover (great for desktop sites), active and down states. Down states are also something new, and may be turned on or off.  You may also style other font aspects for hover and down states including weight, size and underline. Also new are border radius and box shadow. Note that JavaScript Menus have been removed from this release as the CSS menus can now do everything that the JavaScript menus use to do. This upgrade has been rolled out in two releases. Version 6.4.0 added down states and filled in all of the missing text, background and border colors for all levels. This update includes major structural changes and includes code to migrate the old menu CSS to the new menu CSS.  Version 6.4.10 incudes a fix to make the opacity settings work independently in all levels and also additional font specifications for hover and down states.  It also includes the ability to give down states a hover state which allows you to mimic not having a down state at all.  The migration code was removed and the JavaScript menu system was also removed.  The CSS menu system is now referred to without "CSS" as there is no longer a need to distinguish it from another system.

Version 6.2.0 added many new features including an all new style sheet attributes console.  All of the CSS @ rules can be implemented here including the @media rule allowing you to created different style sheets for different devices.  This is a must-have tool for mobile development. You can also create and manage your style sheets in the console.

You will see that added border areas and head code just become more intuitive, and you can now create mega menus as well.

Version 6.3.0 does not include any new features, but the system was greatly simplified.  The Breeze now requires far fewer tables and is less prone to bugs.  As of version 6.3.01 you will find a handy script for handling mobile "hamburger" menus.  Check the help documentation for building mobile sites for more information. The big change in version 6.3.05 is the ability to create an entire collection of plugin pages based on parent-child relationships.  This technology was also ported over to the Wizard to simplify website creating with plugin pages.

Just released for you hotshot programmers/web developers is the Plugin SDK!!! This SDK makes developing plugins a snap with as easy-to-follow 4-step process.  Click here to get your Plugin SDK now!

Version 6.1.29 has been released with an overhauled MIME mailer module.  This new MIME mailer module allows attachments to be sent on servers running PHP version 5.5 and later. Many other under-the-hood improvements were made to the form-mail processor and the MIME mailer module. Click here to find out more about using the new form mail features.

Version 6.1.25 has been released.  This version includes a relatively major update to the page-template layout files. You will see that there are a lot more selections available than the previous version.  In previous versions, the header and footer were included in all of the layouts except basic based on whether or not the assigned header or footer contained any content.  To make it more intuitive to use, we just simply included layouts with and without headers and footers. This also makes possible the easy selection of a layout that has only a header or only a header and a footer.  These styles are becoming increasingly more popular. Note: changing layouts to pages that were created prior to version 6.1.25 will have unpredictable results.  You may need to refresh your page template layout files if you want to do something different with them.

Version 6.1.12 now available with new preview system in most editors.  The new improved preview system is extremely handy for viewing your changes before saving them.  The new preview page may be expanded to whatever size you want to view your changes. (The iframe in the old version did not resize making the view extremely limited.) It includes a refresh button that fetches the pending changes a re-renders the preview so you can check your work as you go without having to close and re-open the preview.  Also, the new preview page will automatically switch to mobile mode if a mobile style sheet or mobile menu is being edited.  You will find this new preview system to be extremely useful for editing your website.

Version 6.1.0 is now available!  NOTE: This is a major revision. Although installing this update won't affect a currently deployed website and most of the editing remain the same, you will no longer be able to re-assign border areas or head content until the page-template layout files are refreshed. Nor will you be able to use the new features under Manage Page Attributes until the page-template layout files are refreshed.  To find out more about this upgrade, click here to see the change log.

New in version 6.1.0 is the ability to have default border area content mixed with custom border area content with any of the the border areas, header, top, left, right, bottom and footer.  This is also true of head code.  Also new is the ability to change the page-template layouts on the fly without overwriting the page template layout file.

New in version 6.0.0 is language file support.  Soon you will be able to run the Breeze Website Builder™ in your favorite language.  Make you language requests here.

The Breeze Website Builder™ now supports theming. If you are interesting in helping us come up with new themes, please contact us here.

The Breeze Website Builder™ now includes easy mobile menu management!

Click here for the Breeze Website Builder™ users documentation.

Click here to download templates.

Click here to download plugins.

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