What's New:

Web developers will like version 5.4.10.  This version uses the CKEditor™ in source view to edit CSS and head content with the Code Mirror plugin to provide colorization and code hinting.  Also new are page editor startup options including starting editor in source view and turning site styles and on or off.

Version 5.4 includes features to make building mobile-device websites easier!!! The new page layout templates can have the table structures disabled or enabled for either office or mobile devices individually, and in any combination.  Also, there are new mobile style sheets that are automatically used upon viewing pages created with the new page layout templates on a mobile device.

Version 5.3 includes an upgrade to the CKEditor from version 4.0.2 to version 4.4.5.  The new version is more compatible with Safari and Chrome than the old version.  The editor also sports an new toolbar with user user friendly icons and a couple of new features.  The source view also has been spiffed up to be easier on the eyes.

As of version 5.2, SEF (search engine friendly) URL capability was added to the Breeze.  Check the documention on how to turn on SEF URLs.

Modal login/logout menu with create/my account links for user access pages are now a part of the page layout templates.  These links can be turned on or off per page in the Manage Page Access console, and can be styled is the CSS editor to match your site design.

You can now install plugins into existing pages with version 5.1.0 of the Breeze Website Builder™. (Note: Not all plugins will install correctly on pages created with earlier versions of the Breeze Website Builder™.)  Version 5.0.16 features a new "AJAX" image uploader in the styles editor.  Check out the change log to see what else is new.

Click here for the Breeze Website Builder™ users documentation.

Click here to download templates.

Click here to download plugins.

Click here for the latest news.